Drs.Hilda Heidsma

(Manvir Kaur)

Hilda’s spiritual journey started when she was 16 years old, experiencing a number of deep, spontaneous, contemplative and spiritual manifestations, where Hilda also experienced the neutral mind, absent of thoughts and she also was able to make the connection with the Divine Source. These experiences were deep realizations, about who we really are in essence and what the meaning is for this organic human life. Hilda started from this age to practice Yoga and her life purpose was focused on the evolution of her own spirituality to guide other humans to heal themselves and to create progress in their own spiritual journey.

Hilda is a High Sensitive Human from birth, born with open faculties of clear sentience, clairvoyance and clear knowing.

Hilda practices yoga for more than 40 years. She followed teacher trainings for Raja and Kundalini Yoga and she also gave many years lessons in Tibetan Buddhism and meditation. Since 1989 Hilda works as a yoga teacher and she gives lessons about the widespread science of universal spirituality.

Hilda works more than 30 years channeling subtle energies, the Angels and the Light beings. Hilda has studied several healing methods, including Pleiadian healing, Sat Nam Rasayan healing, esoteric healing and shamanic healing. She gives aura readings and healings guided by Angels, Masters and Light guides in her own Studio Mukanday in Amsterdam, Holland.

Regularly, there are spiritual people coming to the Light and Healing circles and also to the Full Moon meditations, to experience personally the subtle energies from the Angels and the Angels hierarchies and the higher worlds and realms of the Universe, that Hilda is channeling during many years.

Hilda also works as psychologist and regression therapist.

Appointments and information.

For information and appointments about personal readings, healing and courses you can contact:

Drs. Hilda Heidsma
Wethouder Ramstraat 28
1107CN Amsterdam Z-O
(end station metro Gein)
Tel: 020 ­ 452 71 01
Cell: 06 – 20 82 33 44
E-mail: Hilda Heidsma

Contact us!