Basic course Intuitive development and aurareading

Basic course Intuitive development and aurareading 2025

During this one year course you learn to expand your abilities to feel energies and to read energies with the third eye. We work with energy exercises to improve to learn to know your own energy system and that of others. Aura reading is very important part in this process. During an aura reading we read the energies and the information that are present in the aura of a person.

The aura is a great source of information. The aura field for example gives information about the personality, the feelings of the moment, life issues, karmic patterns, ancestor patterns, potentials, relation patterns, processes over a long period.

By reading the aura field, the different aura-layers and the chakras, you receive more information about yourself and others. In this way you can more easily remove obstacles from your path and quicken your own development. Therefore you start to feel more open, more free and more as you really are. You manifest your own strength and inner potentials with more power.  You become more and more who you really are.

The dates of the course 2025

Febr 15th., Mart 15th., Apr 12th., May 10st. , June 7 th., July 5th, Sept 13th, Oct 11th, Nov 8th, Dec 13th

The lesson time is from 10.00 – 16.30 hours.
The costs* of the basic course are: €1475,-

The basic training is a good preparation for the course pleiadian light work.
During this course you learn to develop even more your clairvoyance, clear hearing, sensitive feelings perception and clear knowing.

*It is possible to pay the lessons in terms.

Jaren ervaring

Hilda Heidsma werkt al meer dan 30 jaar met Subtiele energieën, Engelen en Lichtwezens.

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