Pleiadian aurareading and healing

An Aurareading gives information over your actual process and your problems, by reading the information of the different auric fields and the chakras.

In Pleiadian lightwork unique methods are used to help in the healing process of physical, emotional and mental problems by releasing energy obstacles in the aura and the chakras. Healing helps you to free yourself of negative convictions about yourself, other people or your environment.
You rediscover your own capacities, talents and potentials in your life. You become more joyful and restore the connection with your Higher Self.

During a Pleiadian lightwork session can be worked among other things on:

Healing of the personality, genetic addictions, self-sabotage subjects, blueprint.
To remove strange energies that disturb your balance.
To remove energy cords, entities, implants and parasites
Healing of all auric fields and the chakras.
Healing of the sub-consciousness, the unconsciousness and past lives.
Activation of the kundalini and ka-channels.
Healing of the astral body.
Bringing back of lost soul parts
Healing of pain or shock energy
Reading of relations
Soul potential reading: what are your soul-qualities, your powers, your life purpose.
A reading and healing session is 1½ hours for €100,-

It is also possible to make an appointment for a long-distance reading/healing by skype.

Jaren ervaring

Hilda Heidsma werkt al meer dan 30 jaar met Subtiele energieën, Engelen en Lichtwezens.

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