Light and healing circles 2025
This year we will work in the meditations for the healing of the physical and subtle bodies.
Also this year the Earth and humanity will go again through big transformations. Still higher light frequencies are being anchored on Earth and in humanity, so that the transition towards the Age of Aquarius can be completed.
The prediction for the Age of Aquarius is that a new golden Age shall emerge on Earth. A Golden Age is a time where human beings experience soul integration and/or the integration with their Monad and where the communication is open with the Ascended Masters, the world of the Angels and the Cosmic Beings. A world where humans stand in their own power, where humans live their Divine potentials and where group consciousness has developed. A world with much more light and love and purity.
To bring this prediction into outer manifestation, more work has to be done by the light workers, for themselves, for the Earth and for the progressive awakening of humanity. During the next circles of light we shall do more healing and light work to speed up these transformations.
Every month there will be one circle of light on a Saturday morning.
We start at 10.30h.
Amount for the energy interchange €15
Planned dates for 2025
January 25th Healing Brain, Nervous system, Optic Tract
February 15th Healing Bone Stucture
March 15th Crystal Devas
April 19th Activation Immune System, Sacred Geometry Glands
May 17th Cleansing Solar Plexus Chakra, Organs, Improve Health, Reduce Stress
June 21th Cellular Cleansing with the Elementals and Nature Spirits
July 12th Healing Etheric Body
September 20th Healing Emotional Body
October 18th Healing Mental Body
November 29th Healing Causal Body, Lightbody Activation
December 20th Threefold Merkabah Activation, Healing with Planet Energies
Wethouder Ramstraat 28, 1107CN Amsterdam South-East
For more information: Telephone 020 452 71 01 | E-mail: Hilda Heidsma