May 31 st until June 10th 2026
We organize in Studio Mukanday a retreat of ten days of Yoga and Meditation in the Costa Blanca – Spain.
Hilda invites you to experience this unique journey, practise yoga together, joining us for relaxation, self-renewal and spiritual growth, to meditate in Nature, to sing mantras, and enjoy yourself on a beautiful place close to the beach, with Sun, beautiful Nature places, waterfalls and tasty vegetarian meals near the sunny Spanish coast.
During this retreat, we will experience the practice of Yoga and Meditation in nature by the guidande of Hilda, walk in beautiful Nature, and deepen our spiritual practise.
In the morning and in the afternoon, we come together for yoga sessions of physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation sessions. These yoga sessions are accessible for beginners and advanced yoga practitioners.
During the day, we will explore places in nature and experience guided energetic meditations.
Beside the program it is possible to enjoy the Sun, sea and the beach and make some cultural trips by yourself.
During these ten days it is also possible to make an appointment with Hilda for private Counseling, Auraeading, healing and Angel-Therapy Sessions.

Our guests will stay in a beautiful appartment close to the beach. There is space for 10 persons to join our group.
Roxanne will surprise us with her delicious vegetarian meals. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner is included and will be prepared for us.
Hilda Heidsma is the owner of Studio Mukanday. She is yogapractisioner herself for more than 35 years and she is yogateacher for 30 years. She has also given many years meditationclasses, Light-and Healingcircles and Healingtrainings. She practised many healingforms, including Pleiadian Lightwork, Esoteric Healing, Sjamanistic Healing, Angel Therapy and Sat Nam Rasayan. She works as Psychologist and Regression Therapist and she gives Aurareading and Healingsessions.
From Sunday May 31st (16.00h) until Wednesday June 10th (14.00) 2026
1 person: €1295.
2 persons: €2240.
The prices include accommodation in a beautiful appartment, double room, full board 3 meals per day, vegetarian. The price also includes two daily yoga sessions, meditations in nature, hiking routes guidance.
If you decide to book your own accommodation, food and airport transfers, then the course price is €650 per person.
Excluded: personal reading sessions, international travel costs, travel fom and back to the airport, other alternative activities in the area like horse riding, canoe trips, tennis, paddle, swimming pool, etc. The yoga mat, yoga towel and yoga cushion are not provided by the organization, so you need to bring your own yoga accessories for the retreat.
Available places:
Minimal 4, maximum of 10 persons.
Costa Blanca– Spain.
Your registration will be confirmed after receiving the total amount, (course inclusive or exclusive hotel, food and transfers booking). The total amount needs to be paid a month before the course starts. When cancellation is done later than a month before the course starts, the organization will not refund any money, no restitution is possible. Your own travel insurance policy is recommended to cover any possible risks before or during your vacation. The organization is not responsible for the health situation of the participants or health incidents during the activities of the retreat.
For more information call + 31 (0)20 – 452 71 01
E-mail also possible via this link >> Manvir Kaur